Leicester City Council

Traffic congestion in the city is a waste of business money, time, efficiency and productivity. Leicester City Council encourages all businesses, organisations and residential developments to make informed travel choices on the way that employees commute by developing an effective travel plan. This in turn can help to reduce congestion, the need for parking spaces, business journey costs and carbon footprints. 


Travel plan aims and objectives

  • Helps reduce the impact of transport on the local environment and increase the awareness of sustainable travel access by promoting and marketing initiatives for car share, public transport, walking, cycling, working from home, flexible working hours and teleconferencing
  • Includes measures to discourage unnecessary car use, reduce car dependency for journeys under 5km by single occupancy users, and encourage and monitor increases of active travel choice to the site
  • Discourages irresponsible on and off site parking for all users of a site through adopting a strategy to manage parking, limit inconvenience to local residents and reduce the risk of accidents


Leicester City Council provides free help and guidance on the various elements of travel plans, which are specific and practical to each organisation.

The various elements covered by a travel plan such as parking management plans, travel packs and travel plan statements can be found in our Travel Plan Guidance Document, which helps to guide developers through the travel planning process.

Leicester City Council expect travel plans to be the starting point for any transport assessment or statement, which should only deal with residual traffic impact.

For more details on workplace travel planning and general advice, contact Leicester City Council:

Bal Minhas (Travel Plan Officer) by email at bal.minhas@leicester.gov.uk or call 0116 454 2849.