Leicestershire Network Review

The Leicestershire passenger transport network review will support and reshape the bus network that is financially supported by Leicestershire County Council. It will involve partnership working through Leicestershire Buses and working with operators directly. The BSIP+ grant funding award, means that the County Council is able to consider new and different approaches to how it supports the local bus service network.

Network Review Phases

The network review is taking place in phases across the county between now and early 2025 at our Sustainable Travel Roadshows. As each event is confirmed, details of where they are taking place, dates, and times will be updated on this page.

Phase 1

Phase 2 Charnwood
Phase 3 North and South West Leicestershire
Phase 4 Harborough 
Phase 5  Hinckley


Sustainable Travel Roadshows 

The Sustainable Travel Roadshow events will offer information about your local transport options, and keep you informed on plans for your local bus services. Event information will be updated on the specific phase list below as each event is confirmed. 


Melton Sustainable Travel Roadshow has been confirmed. This is a drop-in style event that residents and bus passengers can attend to find out about travel options around Melton.  


Event details are yet to be announced. Keep an eye on this page for updates. 

North and South West Leicestershire

Event details are yet to be announced. Keep an eye on this page for updates. 


Event details are yet to be announced. Keep an eye on this page for updates. 


Event details are yet to be announced. Keep an eye on this page for updates.